Nat Fitt.

If you ever catch this young Kiwi in public, he is either heading out for a surf or figuring out when his next one will be. At just 18 years old, Nat has a strong passion for surfing and all that is involved with the sport. He has had the opportunity to surf at some pretty wicked spots such as Tea Tree Bay, Noosa, and even put himself in a position to trial for the WSL Longboard Tour earlier this year.

In 2021, Nat’s relaxed lifestyle and love for surfing caught our eye and he became SeaSap Zinc’s first official Team Rider. We caught up with him a while back to learn more about his passion and lifestyle.

Where did you grow up?

Red Beach, New Zealand.

What’s your favourite thing about living in New Zealand?

There’s too much. It’s rad living in a country that is so beautiful. Everything is so easy in NZ, you can have warm or cold, short trips or long trips, greenery or beaches. Whatever you want to do, you got.

Are you an early bird or a night owl?

Ah, both? Early bird mostly.

What’s one thing you really like about your life/lifestyle?

I like how everything I do, I enjoy. You’ll never find me doing something I don’t enjoy.

What clubs, teams or other extracurricular activities are you involved in?

Clubbie/ Lifeguard at Red Beach Surf Club.

Do you have any hobbies or interests other than sports?

Travelling, and experiencing new places for sure.

What sport are you most passionate about?

Surfing. It’s what I’ve spent my life doing, and what I love doing the most.


At what age did you start surfing?

3 years old.

How did you find your love for surfing?

Dad surfed with me on the front of his board when I was really young, and for some reason after that, my mind chose that surfing was for me.

If you could surf/compete anywhere in the world, where would this be?

Mexico looks unreal, heaps of mental spots I’d love to go and surf. But I can't beat the look of perfect tropical waves in Indonesia.

What are your preferred pre-comp and post-comp routines?

I like to go for any sort of free surf before a comp, to get my feet in the wax and feel out my craft. Helps me feel more confident. 

There’s no specific post-comp routine for me, however, there is almost always a beverage or two consumed to celebrate no matter the result.

Any particular song/artist that gets you hyped to surf?

Ahm, any surf rock/ indie bands. Kinda frothing on No Cigar and Summer Thieves at the moment.

Where is your favourite surf break?

New Zealand - Mangawhai Bar

Anywhere else I’ve surfed - Tea Tree Bay, Noosa

Describe your major highlights and achievements in surfing in the past.

  • Won my first National Under 18 Longboard Title in Taranaki in 2019.

  • Won my second National Under 18 Longboard Title in Dunedin in 2020.

  • Won my first Scholastic National Under 18 Longboard Title in Kaikoura in 2020.

  • Won my second Scholastic National Under 18 Longboard Title in Kaikoura in 2020 

Major Highlight would be going to Noosa in March 2023, to compete in the Noosa Festival of Surfing and trial for the WSL longboard tour. I didn’t get the results I was after but was the most unreal trip surfing good waves and meeting new people.

Describe your worst surfing performance. What did you learn from this experience?

My WSL heat in Noosa this year wasn’t amazing. I fell a few times where I normally wouldn’t and was pretty disappointed considering how much money I spent to get there and how many people helped me get there. I learnt from this so much though, it was my first time competing at a professional and international level so I took home heaps of work ons. Moving forward, I can learn from my mistakes and understand the level I need to be at if I want to make that dream a reality.


What do you see yourself accomplishing in 5 to 10 years?

I’d love to be surfing as a job. However, I want to go to university and get a degree in paramedicine. So it would be cool to see myself as a part-time surfer, full-time paramedic.

Is there a coach, athlete or person that you look up to as a role model and why?

My Dad. He’s my coach, surf buddy, manager, mate, and Dad all at once. I wouldn’t be where I am now without him

My Mum. I have no idea how she does what she does. She’s just incredible.

Do you prefer short or long-board surfing?

I personally think that to claim to be a “surfer” you can’t be subjected to one type of craft. I like to ride everything, because there are all different types of waves. Especially here in Red Beach where it is a 45 minutes drive between two polar opposite coastlines.

What’s your best surfing trick?

Haha. I try not to do too many fancy tricks. I just like to do the basics well. I love a good fin first take off, or hang heels, or switch noseride.

Why do you use/like SeaSap Zinc?

Because it actually works! For too long I used sunscreens and zincs that I’d either get burnt through or would come off after 10 mins in the water.

What’s your favourite quote?

“The best surfer out there is the one having the most fun.”

- Duke Kahanamoku.


Ella Sutton